After effects stroke path

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This allows access to various attributes of the shape layer, including Trim the Timeline panel, expand the properties of the shape layer and next to Content, choose Add.choose Add on the tools menu (next to Fill and Stroke), or.Now with your shape still selected, either:.In practise it can be any polygon, line or path. For the sake of testing, draw a rectangle shape on the shape layer.from the top menu, choose Layer > New > Shape Layer. To find Trim Paths, the first step is to add a shape layer:Į.g.Trim Paths is found within the Shape Attributes, accessed via the Add fly-out menu on any shape layer in Adobe After Effects. Where is Trim Paths in Adobe After Effects? So let’s give you that straight answer right now. Where is Trim Paths in Adobe After Effects? It seems like a simple question yet it appears to be one which, on the Adobe support forums at least and in the Adobe help docs, does not have a straight answer.

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